Part 1: A Comprehensive Deep Dive into the Theory and Mechanisms of Transformer-Based Neural Networks

7 min readDec 1, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Transformer-based neural networks stand as a groundbreaking paradigm, reshaping the way machines understand and process information.

This article embarks on an illuminating journey, delving into the intricate theory that underlies Transformer architectures. From the attention mechanisms to the multi-head structures, we will unravel the core principles that empower these networks to achieve unparalleled feats in Natural Language Processing.

Transformers are a powerful neural network architecture introduced by Google in 2017 with their famous research paper “Attention is all you need”. They are based on the attention mechanism instead of the sequential computation as we will observe in recurrent networks.
The change from using sequential computation to the attention mechanism revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing…

In this series of articles, we embark on a journey through the fundamentals, architecture, and internal workings of Transformers. Our approach is top-down, providing a holistic understanding before delving into the intricate details. The upcoming articles will lift the veil on the system’s operations, offering insights into the inner workings of the Transformer architecture. A particular focus will be on the pulsating heart of the Transformer — the multi-head attention mechanism.

Here’s a quick summary of the Series:

Part 1 (This article) - Introduction to Transformers: A foundational exploration of the basics and the overarching architecture, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the transformative world of Transformers.

Part 2 - Pre-Processing in Transformers: Unraveling the intricacies of pre-processing with a spotlight on Positional Encoding and Embedding. Understand how these components lay the groundwork for the model’s comprehension.

Part 3 - Attention Mechanism Unveiled: Delving into the heart of Transformer functionality, we peel back the layers to explore the internal mechanisms, with a detailed examination of the central powerhouse — multi-head attention.

Part 4 - Training and Inference with Transformers: Unpacking the training and inference processes within Transformer-based models. Explore how these models learn and make predictions, offering insights into the dynamic world of AI training.

Part 5 - The Titans of Transformers (BERT and GPT): Concluding our series with a spotlight on BERT and GPT, two transformative models that have reshaped the landscape of natural language processing. Dive into their architectures and understand their impact on the field.

Why Transformers? Addressing the Limitations of RNNs and LSTMs

Before delving into the transformative aspects of Transformers, it’s essential to understand the limitations of their predecessors — Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs).

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM)

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) were once the torchbearers in sequential data processing. These architectures, characterized by their ability to maintain a hidden state that captures information from previous time steps, served well in tasks such as time series prediction and language modeling.

In an RNN, the hidden state is updated at each time step, allowing the network to maintain a form of memory. LSTMs, an improvement over traditional RNNs, introduced a more sophisticated gating mechanism to control the flow of information through the network, addressing the vanishing gradient problem and improving the capture of long-range dependencies.

However, despite their successes, RNNs and LSTMs come with inherent challenges that limited their scalability and efficiency:

  • Vanishing and Exploding Gradients: RNNs and LSTMs are susceptible to the vanishing and exploding gradient problems. When gradients become too small or too large during backpropagation, they hinder the training process, making it challenging to capture long-range dependencies in sequences.
  • Limited Parallelism: Due to their sequential nature, RNNs and LSTMs have limited parallelism. This restricts their ability to take full advantage of modern hardware accelerators for deep learning, which excel in parallel processing.

How Transformers fix RNNs problems

Transformers address these limitations by introducing the attention mechanism that allows the model to focus on different parts of the input sequence simultaneously. This parallelization capability, coupled with the ability to capture long-range dependencies effectively, makes Transformers a significant leap forward in sequential data processing.

  • Long-Range Dependencies: Transformers use a self-attention mechanism that allows them to capture long-range dependencies in the data efficiently. This enables them to consider all positions in the input sequence when making predictions, eliminating the vanishing gradient problem and making them more effective at understanding context in long sequences.
  • Parallelism: Transformers process input data in parallel rather than sequentially. This allows them to perform computations on all elements of a sequence simultaneously, making them highly efficient, especially when using GPUs and TPUs.

Advantages of Transformers

Transformers have revolutionized the field of Machine Learning, particularly in Natural Language Processing and sequential data tasks. Their architecture brings several advantages that contribute to their widespread adoption and success. Here are some key advantages of Transformers:

  • Scalability: Transformers are highly scalable. By stacking multiple Transformer layers, you can create deep models that capture complex patterns and dependencies in the data without encountering convergence problems.
  • State-of-the-Art Performance: Transformers have achieved state-of-the-art results in numerous NLP tasks, setting new standards for accuracy and performance in the field.
  • Transfer Learning: Pre-trained Transformer models, such as BERT, GPT and others, have shown exceptional performance in various downstream tasks. Transfer learning with Transformers allows fine-tuning on specific tasks, reducing the need for extensive data and compute resources.

High level overview of the Transformers architecture

The architectural complexity of the Transformer, as depicted on the left, can initially appear daunting. However, a more accessible understanding emerges when we deconstruct this intricate design into its elemental components, as illustrated on the right of the image:

High level overview of the Transformers architecture

In its fundamental form, a Transformer comprises four main elements: an encoder, a decoder, and preprocessing and post-processing steps. Each component plays a role in the overall functioning of the model:

  • Encoder: Responsible for processing input sequences, the Encoder utilizes multiple layers with a self-attention mechanism and a feedforward neural network. This enables the model to capture dependencies and relationships within the input data, transforming it into meaningful representations.
  • Decoder: Focuses on generating output sequences, the Decoder employs similar layers to the Encoder. It introduces bidirectional attention, considering both the input sequence and the generated part of the output. This enables the Decoder to attend to relevant information while generating each element of the output sequence step by step.
  • Pre-processing Steps: Involving tasks such as tokenization and positional encoding, pre-processing prepares input data for the Transformer. Tokenization divides the input sequence into smaller units or tokens, which are then embedded into high-dimensional vectors. Positional encoding injects information about the position of each token, addressing the model’s lack of inherent sequential understanding.
  • Post-processing Steps: Following the processing of input and generation of output sequences by the Encoder and Decoder, post-processing steps are applied. This includes converting internal representations back into readable formats, such as words or numerical values. Additional post-processing steps may be task-specific, such as applying Softmax activation for probability distribution in classification tasks or employing decoding strategies in natural language generation.

Transformers architecture variations

Let’s explore the variations of Transformer architectures based on their primary components:

Encoder-only architecture

The encoder-only architecture is primarily used for tasks where the model takes an input sequence and produces a fixed-length representation (contextual embedding) of that sequence.

Applications :

  • Text classification: Assigning a category label to a text.
  • Named entity recognition: Identifying entities like names, dates, and locations in text.
  • Sentiment analysis: Determining the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) in a piece of text.

Example : Sentiment Analysis

Input : “I loved the movie” → Positive

Input : “The movie was terrible” → Negative

Decoder-only architecture

The decoder-only architecture is used for tasks where the model generates an output sequence from a fixed-length input representation.

Applications :

  • Text generation: Creating coherent and contextually relevant sentences or paragraphs.
  • Language modeling: Predicting the next word in a sequence.

Example : Text generation

Input : “During” → “summer”

Input : “During summer” → “vacation”

Input : “During summer vacation” → “we”

Input : “During summer vacation, we” → “enjoyed”

Input : “During summer vacation, we enjoyed” → “ice”

Input : “During summer vacation, we enjoyed ice” → “cream”

Encoder-Decoder architecture

The encoder-decoder architecture is designed for sequence-to-sequence tasks where the model takes an input sequence, encodes it into a contextual representation, and then generates an output sequence based on that representation.

Applications :

  • Machine translation: Translating text from one language to another.
  • Text summarization: Generating concise summaries of longer texts.
  • Question-answering: Generating answers to natural language questions.

Example : English to French Translation

Encoder Input: “The movie was terrible”

Decoder Input: “Le” → “film”

Decoder Input: “Le film” → “était”

Decoder Input: “Le film était” → “horrible”

These variations highlight the flexibility of the Transformer architecture, allowing it to adapt to different tasks by configuring the presence or absence of encoder and decoder components. The modular nature of Transformers facilitates the creation of specialized models tailored to specific applications, showcasing the versatility of this architecture in the realm of machine learning and artificial intelligence.


In this exploratory journey into the foundational aspects of Transformer-based neural networks, we’ve ventured through the intricacies of their architecture and components. The Transformer, introduced through Google’s groundbreaking “Attention is All You Need” paper, marks a paradigm shift in the field of machine learning, particularly in NLP and sequential data tasks.

In the upcoming parts of this series, we will dive deeper into the mechanisms that enable Transformers to overcome these challenges, shedding light on the intricate design choices that contribute to their unparalleled success in natural language processing and other sequential data tasks.

Next part: Part 2 — Beneath the Surface

